Thousands of people experience car accidents every day, and sometimes the effects may be adverse. When two or more vehicles collide, or a car crashes into a hard surface, several damages are incurred, but the most serious ones are the injuries caused to the drivers and passengers.
No matter how careful you are on the road, you can still face a car accident due to other drivers’ mistakes. You don’t have to be in a car to experience a car accident; sometimes, cyclists and pedestrians suffer misfortunes when using the roads. While the period after a car accident is filled with so much confusion, you should always seek immediate medical attention, even when you don’t have any physical injuries.
The factors below help to ascertain how serious the injuries caused by a car accident are/were:
- Whether the car had functional airbags.
- If the cars involved were at high speeds when the accident occurred.
- If the driver or passengers were facing the direction in which their car was hit.
- Which side of the car was hit?
- If the driver or passengers were wearing seat belts.
Car accident injuries vary from type to type, classified as either minor or serious. Here is an outline of the different types of serious car accident injuries, alongside other related details.
Internal Bleeding Injuries
It’s common to experience bleeding after a car crash or accident, but internal bleeding can be considered a serious injury. Internal bleeding is any bleeding from inside the body when the blood vessels have been affected.
You can tell a victim is experiencing internal bleeding after a car accident if:
- They get extremely thirsty.
- They go unconscious.
- Their skin becomes sweaty and pale.
- There’s swelling or tightness in the injured area.
- There’s extreme pain in the injured area.
Internal bleeding can be dangerous if not managed immediately at a medical facility. Even when the victim doesn’t have any of the above signs, getting a qualified medical expert to check for the injuries is always essential.
Broken Bone Injuries
As strong as they may be, bones are fragile in fatal car accidents. You can suffer from broken bones in a car accident if you get trapped under the car, your legs get hit directly, or you fall outside the car due to the crash’s impact.
Broken bones can be painful and require immediate medical attention to ascertain the intensity of the injuries. Bones commonly affected during car accidents include hips, legs, shoulders, arms, and ribs.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) adds to the category of serious car injuries that aren’t physical. PTSD refers to mental and emotional discomfort triggered by witnessing a terrifying experience such as a car accident.
The injuries are caused to the victim’s mind and can be signified by:
- Disturbing feelings such as anger.
- Efforts to avoid remembering what happened.
- Physical and mental distress when reminded of what happened.
- Sudden flashbacks of what happened are commonly revealed through nightmares and sweating.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is commonly overlooked when diagnosing and treating serious car accident injuries. Although the injuries aren’t physically fatal, their effects can be if not managed in the early stages.
Head Injuries
The head is probably the most fragile part of the human body after the heart, and any injuries caused during a car accident are considered serious. Serious head injuries occur to the brain, causing complications such as improper functionality, difficulty sleeping, and constant headaches.
Head injuries resulting from car accidents should be treated immediately in a medical facility to avoid future complications. In addition, consult a personal injury lawyer like Walker Head to assess your legal situation.
Chest Injuries
The chest is vulnerable to getting injured during a car accident, especially if the car gets hit from the front. Injuries caused to the chest can be referred to as serious due to its fragility. Drivers are mostly exposed to chest injuries during a car accident when they collide directly with the steering wheel and its surroundings.
The impact of getting thrown away when wearing a seatbelt can also cause chest injuries. Like all other serious car accident injuries, chest ones should also be offered immediate medical attention by qualified personnel.
Loss of Limbs
The impact of a car accident can remove it entirely or partially from its primary location, causing serious injuries. Loss of limbs is a serious car injury since its effect can be long-term, such as disability, and the treatment process can take years and significant finances to complete. The injuries can directly affect the victim’s daily activities and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder if not managed well.
Prevention of car accidents remains better than curing the injuries that result from such misfortunes. Below are various ways to prevent car accidents:
- Avoid any distractions when driving.
- Keep your distance from the car in front of you.
- Maintain the required speed limits.
- Avoid drink-driving (including driving under the influence of all drugs).
- If you have to drive during heavy rains, then do it strategically.
- Respect the traffic lights and road signs.
- Do not drive when sleepy or extremely tired.
- Perform occasional maintenance on your car to avoid sudden breakdowns resulting in accidents.