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Cyclists in the City: 5 Safety Tips to Remember

Cyclists in the City: 5 Safety Tips to Remember

Riding your bicycle in the city can seem like an eternal struggle. After a while, with near collisions with automobiles and angry pedestrians, it just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.

Fiddlesticks! Riding your bike is one of the greatest pleasures in the world, even if it means getting into the odd argument with a motorist or an irked bystander. The city may be a hellacious entity, but it still provides us with plenty of scenery, fun and opportunities when we’re on a bike.

Your bicycle is your mode of transportation. As long as you wear your helmet, abide by the laws and take it easy with your bike, you can ensure that you get to and from your destination safely.

Of course, there are several other measures that you can employ to enhance your trip. Here are five tips for riding city bikes:

1. Situational Awareness is Key When Riding a Bike

Unless you want to take a trip to the hospital or get into a fight with someone then you will want to adopt this suggestion: have impeccable situational awareness when riding your bicycle.

It is inevitable that you will be doored, it is almost certain that you will be slightly hit and it is guaranteed that you will even get into a scuffle with a fellow cyclist. This is why, even if you’re not at fault, should be aware at all times of your surroundings, whether it’s a sewer, light or car.

This advice can also apply to a wide range if occupations, but mostly for cycling.

2. Ride on Side Streets – It’s the Safest Route

If you want to avoid the stress of riding on the main road then here is the simplest solution: ride on the side streets. There is hardly any traffic, pedestrians or sudden circumstances. It’s perfect.

Before you head to your destination, be sure you create a road map to avoid the main streets.

3. Avoid Bike Messengers if You Can

Do you think motorists are the angriest people on the face of the earth? Well, you should be ready to engage with a bike messenger or a courier if you cross them. Since they are in a hurry and in a highly stressful position, they will vent their frustrations to you if you make a mistake or you get in their way. So, the best solution possible is to avoid bike messengers as best you can.

4. Be Visible as Much as You Can

In the autumn and winter, the sun won’t come up until 8 a.m., while the sun will go down at around rush hour. When night has fallen, it can be easy to get into an accident. This is why you must be visible as much as you can to prevent these possibilities from ever occurring.

Here are a few tips to being visible:

  • Wear bright clothing (yellow, white, green, orange).
  • Sport a reflective vest or jacket.
  • Install a flashlight to your bicycle or your helmet.

These measures will ensure that you don’t get hit by 5,000-ton automobile.

5. Don’t Pretend to be a Vehicle & Pedestrian at Once

A common reason why motorists and pedestrians alike dislike cyclists is because they pretend they’re vehicles and pedestrians at the same time. They will weave in and out of traffic, hop on the sidewalk, use the crosswalk and then go back on the road. It’s dangerous and illegal.If you want to avoid the stink eye from the public and an accident then choose one or the other.

We all know that you’re doing your part riding a bicycle in the city. You’re cutting down on pollution, reducing congestion problems and getting plenty of exercise. That said, you still need to be conservative in your cycling if you want to have the safest experience in the city, whether it’s a Saturday morning or a Wednesday rush hour.