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When Wheels Collide: 5 Ways to Handle an Auto Accident

When Wheels Collide: 5 Ways to Handle an Auto Accident

Tens of thousands of automobile accidents happen every single day on Canadian roads. They range from minor fender benders to head-on collisions. And it is probably one of the worst things that could happen to you in your life, especially on a Friday afternoon when you want to go home, eat your food, put together your puzzle of dogs playing poker and drink some tea.

When a car accident ensues, a flurry of emotions take place: frustration, anxiety, rage. As any car accident attorney will suggest, the best emotion to embrace is calmness. Without it, you will get yourself into trouble in more ways than one.

So, how exactly do you deal with a car accident in real-time? Perhaps it is easier said than done, but perseverance is key when you’re in the middle of traffic, looking at the damage. Here are five tips to handle an auto accident according to a car accident lawyer:

1. Should You Call the Police?

Many people think that it is vital to telephone the police in the event of a car accident. This may not be necessary, depending on the extent of the damage.

There are three ways to determine if you must call the proper authorities:

  • If the damage looks like it’s beyond $1,000.
  • If there has been damage to public property.
  • If the motorist is breaking the law (drunk or distracted).

Should at least one of these be true then it would be prudent to call the police.

2. Take Plenty of Pictures of the Scene

Everyone has access to a digital camera these days through their smartphones.

If it is safe to exit your vehicle, then you should grab your smartphone and proceed snapping as many photos of the scene of the accident as possible. The car, the damage, the situation and so on. These are all things that you should have recorded images of.

3. Never Admit Fault After the Accident

We truly get it. You are flustered, you might be feeling emotional, you want to get this over and done with. With this in mind, you may concede that it was your fault for the accident.

Even if you are at fault, it is important never admit fault after the incident. Whether the motorist hears you utter the words or a witness nearby hears you say it, you could get into trouble.

Just check to see if the other driver is OK and that is all.

4. Exchange Critical Information with the Other Driver

Once you have discovered that it is safe to exit your vehicle and engage with the other driver, you must exchange vital information with the other driver. Everything from insurance to contact information, you need to share this type of information for the insurance providers, the local authorities, or if this case goes to court.

5. Contact Your Insurance Company Right Away

Indeed, phoning your insurance company as soon as the accident takes place may not be a wise idea. However, a couple hours after the car accident would be a great time to inform your insurance provider that you have been involved in an auto crash.

The sooner they know, the quicker the claim will be resolved. You don’t want to drag this out.

Car accidents are tough to endure. Nobody ever wants to go through these. Whether it is on a Monday morning or on a Friday afternoon, car accidents are stressful scenarios to experience.

The most important thing to do is to take care of yourself, remain calm and ensure you shield yourself. Car accident lawyers will be able to help you with their professional expertise. They know what has hurt a client’s case, and they know what has helped a client’s case. If you start ranting and raving, then you may undergo several hiccups, causing the case to linger on and on. On the other hand, if you just stay quiet and allow your attorney to take care of the case, then it will be like ripping off a band-aid.