No one likes to feel bloated. This is not only uncomfortable, but it can be embarrassing. There is some medication that you can take to help alleviate your symptoms but prevention is better than the cure as they say.
What many people don’t realize is that they can help to prevent bloating by just making a few simple changes to their diet. By eliminating some foods and introducing others you can have a huge effect on your overall gut health.
1. Beans
Beans are full of protein and healthy carbs along with fibre and vitamins and minerals. Sounds good so far right? Well, most beans also contain sugars called alpha-galactosides, which belong to a group of carbs called that are short-chain carbohydrates that are not easy to digest. As they sit in your intestine they start to emit gas as a byproduct of their fermentation. This gas often has now where to go right away which is why you feel bloated.
So, what should you be looking to replace beans with as a source of protein if the often cause you to feel bloated? You can try other varieties of beans such as pinto beans, or even try to soak them before you cook with them. You can also look to whole grains, lean meats or quinoa.
2. Lentils
These are in the same family as beans as they are both legumes. Lentils also contain a lot of protein. They are also very high in fibre and can cause bloating in those who eat them. If you can isolate these from your diet or reduce the amount that you eat then you may notice a significant reduction in bloating. Another great way to still enjoy lentils is to choose lighter coloured lentils as these contain less fibre.
3. Coke, Fanta and Sprite
Pretty much any carbonated drink will cause bloating. It is not hard to imagine why they have a lot of carbon dioxide dissolved into them so when you drink them these gasses are now in your body. Plain water is always the best beverage. If you do insist on drinking carbonated drinks then you should do so in moderation at all times.
4. Wheat
This staple has become something of a hot topic over the years. This is mostly because it contains gluten. Gluten is found in bread, pasta, tortillas and pizzas, as well as baked goods like cakes, biscuits, pancakes and waffles. So, pretty much everything. If you find that you are constantly experiencing digestion distress then you may want to try eliminating gluten from your diet and see if you notice any positive effects.
5. Broccili and a bunch of other vegetables
There are a whole lot of vegetables that you should think about cutting down on if you are constantly bloated all the time. These include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts and several others. I know that we’re always told that vegetables are good for you, but this is where you should look to changing your diet if you want to aid in your digestive health.
Try switching to spinach, celery, lettuce and others to get your vegetable fix.
6. Onions
An onion is an underground bulb that are often a great way to add flavour to any dish. Some people are intolerant to onions but don’t know it because they never eat them in isolation. They will often attribute their digestive issues to other foods that they have eaten. If you want to try avoiding onions for a couple of weeks and see if you notice any improvement then this is worthwhile.